
Using proprietary phase noise model analysis, advanced resonator model and circuit simulations techniques, Nexyn's PLDROs achieve the lowest phase noise available with repeatable performances.

Nexyn's PLDROs design not only excels in phase noise (see our links below), they also exhibit low spurious and excellent immunity to microphonics. Our products are designed to operate in outdoor environment with high reliability. Guaranteed performance and on time delivery make Nexyn's Phased Locked DROs the smart choice. Nexyn Corporation can provide the necessary expertise, experience, and fast turnaround to meet your special requirements.

Now delivering PLDRO's from 3 to 23 GHz and PLO's from 300 MHz to 3GHz. Crystal References and Phase Locked References from 50 to 400MHz.

Now also delivering Frequency Synthesizers!

Frequency Synthesizers